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XDNA Blockchain

Direct Download Encrypted - GPU mining


Aprox 1,423 GB unzipped

blocks until date: 20200303_0952pm UTC-3

number of blocks: 869,288



P2P port: 1945
RPC port: 1944

Download, unzip and save all the folders and files provided preserving folder's structure 

Be patient ! your are managing a 1,423 GB unzipped file through the network!!

XDNA Blockchain - 1,423 GB - 20200303_0952pm UTC-3

  • Backup your wallet data file and save in other safe place -other folder, USB drive, etc.-. see location bellow

    The default installation folders and files of XDNA wallet coin is similar to almost all

    If default installation you find it in 


    and is called wallet.dat

    Unzip all the folders and files provided in

    in a temporary directory you choose

    We provided the folders blocks and chainstate with all the blocks and the structure of the XDNA Blockchain at this moment

    Copy and replace all the same folders that are located at

    with what we provided and you unzipped

    ( for example: you can delete the folders blocks and chainstate, then unzip blocks and chainstate from the zip file under 


    After the end of copy and replace

    run your GUI XDNA wallet (xdna-qt.exe) and wait until full synchronization of your wallet at the present 

    Be patient until blockchain is upload in memory and/or your swap file (a few min)

    If you need:

    download XDNA wallet at

    More info at

    run xdna-qt.exe until it generates the folder


    Close your GUI wallet 

    Backup your wallet.dat file to other safe media but keep the original generated there

  • If you are disappointed with the crypto coin blockchain you paid for, 
    you can claim for a re-fund of your payment.

    We apologize for your time lost.
    Just email us and we will process a return of your funds.

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